Personal injury is a legal term that refers to an injury that is suffered by an individual as a result of the actions or negligence of another person or entity. Personal injuries can be physical injuries, such as broken bones or head injuries, or they can be emotional...
Beaumont Tx Motor Vehicle Crashes
Motor vehicle crashes can be caused by a variety of factors, including reckless or negligent driving, distraction, intoxication, and poor road conditions. If you were involved in a motor vehicle crash in Beaumont, Texas, it is important to seek medical attention as...
what is Business Law And Litigation
Business law and litigation refers to the legal issues that arise in the context of business operations and transactions. Business law includes a wide range of legal topics, including contracts, employment law, intellectual property, business formation and...
Estate Planning And Probate Law in Texas
Estate planning is the process of making plans for the disposition of your assets after your death. This includes deciding who will inherit your assets, as well as making arrangements for the management and distribution of your estate. Probate is the legal process of...
State laws can help prevent distracted driving accidents
The main priority of a Texas driver should be to follow the rules of the road and arrive safely at his or her destination. Unfortunately, many drivers believe they can safely operate their cellphones and their vehicles at the same...
Addressing digital assets in an estate plan
Planning for what will happen to one’s assets and property after passing can be a complex process that involves consideration of sensitive matters. While planning for the distribution of physical property, emergency medical care and other estate concerns, it is...
Grounds for a valid wrongful death claim
After the death of a loved one, a Texas family could be left facing inexplicable loss and other complications that will change their lives. In the aftermath of a traumatic event, it can be difficult to know how to pick up the pieces, and many grieving loved ones may...
What terms need to be in a commercial lease?
Finding a commercial property that meets the needs of a Texas business can be difficult. After locating a property that is both suitable for the operational requirements of a company and within the appropriate budget, it is tempting to move forward with the...
Infotainment systems could be placing you at risk
There are many things that can cause distraction for a driver, and while phones may generally be the main culprit of distracted driving, it is not the only reason why a Texas driver may lose focus. Even with eyes on the wheel and the phone put safely away, a driver...
Is it time to update an existing estate plan?
Life is unpredictable, and it is possible that these changes can affect the application of certain types of legal and financial plans. As things may be different from the way they were at the creation of an estate plan, a Texas adult would be wise to carefully...